Established in the 1970’s with a long-term approach of ehm, cough. Ok, so we're a young company, with a team that has been in the eCommerce industry for almost half our lives and the vape sector since 2012. Having worked at many vape shops I know that the marketplace has grown significantly fast and our goal is to move with the times and ensure our customers do too.
We take great pride in our customer service and wish to continue adding value to our customers and the marketplace. With every opportunity to spread the word, we hope we can change lives for the better and believe that vaping is the best way to encourage others to stop smoking and take back control of their lives.
Yes, it's not easy to stop smoking but with help, a little willpower and a great community, vaping makes it that bit easier for others to make the switch and feel empowered.
Our goal is to help others switch over as stress-free as possible and provide as much information and guidance, to support in the transition and keep the community updated and informed with the latest news and products.
We always aim to make sure customer satisfaction is exceeded, with our fast delivery times and knowledgeable service.
We hope you will join us and be apart of our story to help others.